Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another picture

It takes awhile to upload a photo. Here is one of all the nurses I will be working with on the wards. They are from all over the world....what an awesome experience.


  1. Hi Bonnie!

    So glad you all arrived safely and have begun God's work! Please know you and your co-workers will be in my prayers every single day as you minister to health concerns and, more importantly, to individual souls. You are an inspiration to me, Bonnie, and I know God has singles you out for this most special service!

    Love and prayers,

    Linda Sutton

  2. Bonnie,

    We will pray that your sickness will leave. I know that once you get busy it will probably go away. I love the pictures. May God stay with each one of you each second of the day. I know that he has wonderful things to show all of you. I love you girl!!

